History of fitness, why the body needs fitness, good fitness methods you need to know

History of fitness, why the body needs fitness, good fitness methods you need to know. Picture by pixabay.com

Fitness has been around for centuries, but it wasn't until the 20th century that it became a part of our daily lives. In fact, fitness has become so important that it's now an essential component of health care and treatment for many illnesses. As you'll learn in this article, regular exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity can also improve your mental health and mood, help manage stress and reduce feelings of anxiety or depression

A Brief History of Fitness

The history of fitness is the history of human evolution and survival.

The first people that walked out onto the earth, millions of years ago, had to be fit in order to survive. They needed strong muscles for running from predators or chasing after prey and they needed large brains so they could make decisions about what was good for them at any given moment. Fitness has been important for us as a species since the beginning—it’s part of who we are!

Why Do We Need to Stay Fit?

There are lots of reasons why you should stay fit.

  • Physical activity can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Exercise also helps you lose weight, which is good for your heart as well as helping to reduce stress levels. It can also help manage stress by reducing feelings of anxiety or depression

Fitness Methods

There are many fitness methods you can use to get in shape. Each method is different, and each works for a different type of person.

  • Aerobics: This method involves working out in an aerobic class or at home with a DVD. It’s best if the exercise is done continuously for 30 minutes at a time, but it can be broken down into smaller sessions if necessary. If you don’t have time for this kind of workout, try walking around the block instead!

  • Weight training: Weight lifting consists mainly of compound movements such as squats (with weights), deadlifts (with weights) and bench presses; these are strength building exercises that help build muscle mass over time without putting too much stress on joints or ligaments during movement.* Body weight exercises include various types such as pushups/chin ups , squats etc .

Regular exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity can also improve your mental health and mood, help you manage stress and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

Regular exercise can:

  • Improve your mental health and mood. Exercise has been shown to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. Physical activity also helps you manage stress, which is good for both physical and mental health.

  • Reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Regular exercise can improve your fitness level, helping prevent obesity in adults (1). In addition to preventing these diseases, regular physical activity can help prevent weight gain during pregnancy or after menopause when women are most likely to gain weight (2).

When it comes to physical activity levels among young adults who don’t regularly engage in regular exercise but do participate in sports or other activities that require high amounts of energy expenditure such as running around playing sports; this group tends not only suffer from reduced bone density but also increased risk factors associated with heart disease such as high blood pressure caused by increased volume flow through arteries supplying oxygenated blood throughout body tissues resulting from increased cardiac output due competitiveness during competition matches which requires rapid pumping efficiency so one should consider taking metformin before starting any new program since metformin reduces elevated triglycerides levels thereby improving diabetic control without affecting HbA1c levels


The history of fitness is full of examples of how people have used various fitness methods to stay healthy and fit. Nowadays, we have many options for staying active. From walking to running, swimming or cycling, there are countless ways to get moving in your everyday life! I hope this post has given you some insight into the history of fitness as well as some new ideas about what might work best for you personally; remember that there is no single ideal way to exercise – find something that works best for YOU!
